Scripting in manifestation is a writing tool where you write about your desired outcome in the present tense as if you already have it.
The idea is that journaling in the present tense allows you to receive your desires more quickly than writing about how you want your desires.
In this post, I discuss:
- Scripting techniques that helped me turn my desired life into my reality
- Examples of scripting manifestation journal entries
Scripting Techniques
- Write in the Correct Tense
- Create a Scene
- Focus on the Feeling
- Express Gratitude
- Keep a Journal On Hand
1. Write in the Correct Tense
When scripting, it is important to write about having your desires either in the present tense or the past tense. I prefer writing in the present tense and discussing how I live out my desired outcome.
Whether you choose to write in present tense or past tense does not matter as much, so long as you are NOT writing about wanting the desire.
To “want” something means you do not have something. Energetically, this emits lack. The idea is that the Universe is more inclined to present to you whatever it is you desire when you are energetically aligned to having it.
Think: Oh, I already have this desire.
2. Create a Scene
Write about having your desire in a descriptive scene. Fill in as many details as you can:
- Imagine the time of day
- Where you are
- What you are wearing
- The weather outside
- The smells
- Who is around you
- What you are doing
Side Note: Creating a scene is also helpful for the Law of Assumption. All of these manifestation techniques go hand in hand in helping you reach your desires.
Although it is not necessary to create a scene to script, it can be useful to have imagery associated with this desire to spark belief in you having the desire already. Creating a descriptive scene about having the desire fulfilled is also helpful for the third scripting manifestation technique.
Think: This is what it looks like to have the desire.
3. Focus on the Feeling
I would argue that this technique is the most important in scripting. Write about how you feel about having your desire in reality. What does it feel like to open your eyes and see whatever it is you want right in front of you?
Expand on your emotions. Go beyond simple terms like “good” and “happy.” Consider using an Emotion Wheel, or even a thesaurus, to find better words that fit what you feel as you write about having your desire.
As you write these emotions in your journal, try to embody the feeling. If you are writing about how in awe you are about having your desire in reality, take a moment, close your eyes, and breathe in that emotion.
Think: This is what it feels like to have the desire.
4. Express Gratitude
“I am so grateful for having this desire in my life.”
Yes, one could argue that feeling grateful is an emotion or feeling that is already discussed in the third scripting manifestation technique. I would say that expressing gratitude is so necessary with manifesting your desires that it should be done every time you script.
Gratitude is a high-frequency emotion that raises your vibrational energy and helps you manifest your desires with ease. Gratitude is also an emotion that we can recognize and feel easily, which is helpful when scripting since feeling and emotion play an important role in raising your energetic vibration and obtaining your desires.
Think: I am so grateful I have this desire in my reality.
5. Keep a Journal On Hand
Although it is best practice to script when you have alpha or theta brain waves, this is not always practical. In understanding this, I find it helpful to keep my manifestation journal on hand so I can script whenever inspiration strikes or time allows.
If you are having difficulty scripting first thing in the morning or right before bed, try carrying around a scripting manifestation journal with you in your purse to use whenever you have downtime. On days I do not write in the morning, I script while at work during my lunch break.
Think: I have access to my scripting journal at all times.
Scripting Manifestation Examples
Below I provide examples of how I would use scripting to manifest several common desires.
The examples are intended to help you understand what scripting could look like and are not meant to be copied word for word. I’ve provided a few sentences for each desire, but typically fill half to a whole page in my manifestation journal.
Remember, focus on the feeling you have for having this desire.
I am so grateful I have found the best fully remote job that aligns with my interests and pays over $100,000 a year. I am able to use my project management skills and organizational skills on a daily basis. I am indispensable to the company. I enjoy having time to make my breakfast and drink coffee while watching the beautiful sunrise, all before I need to log in for the work day. I love logging into my laptop to connect with my coworkers who live across the world. I am fulfilled in my work and feel blessed to have found such an opportunity. Thank you, God, the Universe, my Highest Self for bringing into my reality this perfect job.
I am in such a happy, loving relationship with my ideal partner. We are spending the weekend together in nature, exploring a nearby National Park. I am cuddled up next to him in our two-person sleeping. The sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves wake me. There is a chill in the air so I move my body closer to his and kiss him on the cheek. His skin feels warm. He snores softly and looks cute when he’s sleeping. I am filled with so much love and appreciation for this person in my life. I am grateful to know such a love and am thankful for such a beautiful romantic partnership.
Money flows to me and grows for me with ease. I have more than enough money to support me and my family. I am so blessed to have so much monetary wealth through multiple streams of income. I am confident in my finances and feel at ease when thinking about paying bills. I love the freeing feeling of walking down grocery aisles and grabbing whatever I want to eat that week off of the shelves. I purchase my meat from the local butcher and produce from the local farmer’s market. I am forever grateful for how having this surplus of income allows me to afford better fuel for my body, mind, and spirit.
My body is fit and healthy. I love what I see when I look in the mirror every morning. I enjoy preparing my meals for every day, especially breakfast. I love nourishing my body and find leafy green vegetables and berries to taste delicious. I workout a few times a week and have toned arms, legs, and abdominals. I receive compliments once a week about my looks and I appreciate the kind words and encouragement to keep up with my fitness. I am grateful for my strong, healthy body and how capable I am.
Wow, what a beautiful sunrise over the sea. The vibrant colors are amazing and I can feel the warmth of the sun on my face. I am smiling. The sea breeze gently whips through my hair as I take a deep breath and taste the salty air. I hear seagulls calling as they fly overhead. It is such a lovely morning. I am so blessed to be in this body during this space-time. I am grateful for my life and the wonderful time off from work I have. My best friend and I won this all-inclusive trip to the beach and it came at the perfect time. Today, I am at peace.
Let me know in the comments below if you are using scripting to manifest your desires. I would love to hear about the strategies you use.
If you want to learn more about how I manifested my current boyfriend after one week of scripting, check out my post here.