See below for links to the different sections of this post:
Financial Benefits
Social Benefits
Career Benefit
Final Thoughts
A couple of years ago, when I was a few short months away from paying off all of my student loan debt, I was speaking with my mom on the phone one sunny Saturday afternoon. We were discussing how excited I was to be so close to paying off my loans but also the irony of it all.
- moved to a new state
- attend a 4-year University
- Majored in something I am not extremely passionate about
- Went into debt
Only to
- Get a job in that career field
- Make decent money to pay off that debt
- Still feel unsure about said career field
Reflecting on that conversation today, I wonder about the benefits of choosing community college after high school in lieu of committing to a 4-year university right off the bat.
I summarized the benefits into the following three categories: Financial Benefits, Social Benefits, and Career Benefits.
Financial Benefits
Avoid Student Loan Debt
If you are looking to avoid student loan debt, consider attending community college after high school. Classes tend to be cheaper and there are several states that offer free tuition or tuition assistance to community colleges.
Search the following to learn if the state you live in offers any programs:
- [Your State] free community college
- [Your State] tuition-free community college
- [Your State] Promise Program
The requirements for the programs in each state vary from income limits to hardly any requirements outside of residency, it all depends on the state!
This is a wonderful opportunity to knock out core classes and try different types of classes while paying minimal fees. As someone who finished higher education with nearly $75,000 in student loan debt, I seriously recommend looking into community college if you want to avoid student loan debt.
Cheaper Class Cost
Classes offered at community colleges cost less than the classes offered at 4-year universities.
When I graduated from high school over 10 years ago, free community college was not offered in the state I lived in. Cheap class cost should have been a priority of mine, considering what I know about debt and paying it off.
As a graduating senior from high school, consider the long-term implications of paying more money for the same class credits. Even if you intend to obtain a bachelor’s or master’s degree, credits from community college are generally transferrable and it makes financial sense to spend as little as possible to avoid debt in the long term.
No Mandatory Room, Board, or Meal Plan Fees
Yes, you read that correctly. MANDATORY room, board, and meal plans. 4-year universities often have mandatory fees to attend the school that go beyond the cost of the class.
These extra fees may not be top of mind when you are considering your education options following high school, but these fees do add up, and quite quickly.
It is common for folks to live at their parent’s house while attending community college, which is a cheaper alternative to paying to live on a university campus. You may even be lucky enough to have your mom cook food for you – cheaper meals, too, haha!
If you are asking yourself “how can student loan debt be avoided,” then look no further than attending a community college instead of a 4-year university right after high school. You can knock out core classes at a cheaper cost, and likely be able to work while attending school to pay the cost as you go.
Check out this post from Research.com for more on the financial benefits of choosing community college after high school.
Social Benefits
Continued Friendships
When I graduated from high school, I was so ready to leave and move away to a new state. Being older now, I see the benefit of staying near your hometown, especially when it comes to having and continuing friendships.
A nice benefit of attending a community college after high school is the opportunity to still connect with friends who you grew up with. Even if your closest friends move away to attend 4-year universities, the folks who you’ll attend community college with are likely people who you are familiar with or have interacted with throughout the years.
It is nice having some familiarity and something easy to connect with when making friends as an adult.
Having friends makes the transition from high school and “teenage” to “adulthood” that much easier.
More Time with Family
Another thing that came to me with age was the desire to be around my family more. We are only ever at each age once, and it is special being able to spend quality time with loved ones during those fun years right after high school and into your early 20s.
Something I once thought of as lame, I truly appreciate and wish I had taken the time to soak up those memories.
I wish I understood the benefit of choosing community college after high school and took advantage of staying around my parents and extended family instead of moving far away. It is important to do what you feel called to do, but do recognize the hidden benefits of choosing to stay home for a little longer before venturing off to University.
Career Benefits
Exposure to Different Classes at an Affordable Rate
If you are undecided about what you want to do with your life immediately after high school, attend community college instead of a 4-year university. The affordability of community college classes is a huge benefit of attending one. With the cheapness of the classes, it feels less stressful and meaningful to take a bunch of different classes to see what you could be interested in.
I felt pressured to select a major and stick with it during my time at university.
I would have preferred a low-risk experience to try out a bunch of classes and see where my interests aligned instead of picking something and following the rabbit hole to a bachelor’s degree…
Learn from my mistake! Consider community college!
Certificate Programs
Many community colleges offer certificate programs, where you earn a certificate after completing all classes as part of a curriculum.
For the cost of the classes, earning a tangible document, such as a certificate, is useful to show future employers and schools your interest in a certain career field.
This is great for someone who:
- Is interested in taking classes to further their career but may not move on to a 4-year university
- Intends to transfer to a university, but wants to showcase their knowledge in a certain discipline
- Is unsure exactly what they want to do, but can find decent job prospects through having the certificate
If you are wondering “should I go to community college first after high school,” remember these benefits:
- Avoid Student Loan Debt
- Cheaper Class Costs
- No Mandatory Room, Board, or Meal Plan Fees
- Continued Friendships
- More Time with Family
- Exposure to Different Classes at an Affordable Rate
- Certificate Programs
Final Thoughts
While I do not regret my decision to move nearly 1,000 miles away from my home state to attend a 4-year university, I do understand the benefits of choosing to attend community college FIRST right after high school. Especially for someone like me who is unsure of what major and degree to pursue.
Community college is a great option to ease into higher education. Take time to gain exposure through a bunch of different classes. Decide what field may be best to go into after these classes or earning an associate’s degree.
The options are endless!
Hungry for more learning? Check out my financial tips for young professionals.