If you had told me 10 years ago that I would be into hula hooping as a nearly 30-year-old, I would’ve rolled my eyes and said: “yeah right, that’s not for me!”
And yet, here we are.
At the time of writing this, I am 28 years old and have been hula hooping for over four years. I also play around with silk fans and use fire props to fire dance.
Now why would I have laughed and shut down the idea of me being a hula hooper so strongly at 18 years old? The answer to that question ties into one of the 6 benefits I’ve experienced as an adult who plays with hula hoops and flow toys and what you could gain if you add a little play to your routine.
- Leaning into something I always told myself I could not do
- Community
- Confidence
- Experiencing flow state
- The joy of sharing my joy with others
- The importance of doing something you love often
Leaning Into Something I Always Told Myself I Could Not Do
Dance has always fascinated me as a child. Stick with me, now, this is related to hula hoops and adult play, I promise.
I never attended a dance class because my family did not have the money for me or my sister to join a dance studio. This lack of training as a child made me feel as if my time to be a dancer was long gone and I could just enjoy the art from the sidelines. I attended my friend’s dance performances and enjoyed the show Dance Moms on Lifetime. I was in middle school and high school, feeling as if I had missed the opportunity to be that version of myself.
The most important thing I learned as an adult who plays, specifically with hula hoops and silk fans, is that it is okay to lean into sides of ourselves we used to hide from the world.
It feels amazing to be able to admit that to you, reader. I truly can thank my time playing with these flow props over the years for this Truth to become my truth. Honestly, this belief began earlier this year, in 2024. A switch happened and I believe myself to be something I always wanted to be but told myself, and others, I was not. I am forever grateful for my decision to take on such a hobby and play as an adult, it has freed me from hiding this side of myself from the world.
Who knew the hula hoop community is worldwide!? I had no idea until I started my hula hoop Instagram page “averageflow.” I have met some of the best people through hula hooping, flow arts, and sharing this love for playing with flow toys online. My flow friends are truly lifelong friends and I have hula hooping and play to thank for them.
I am sure most adult play communities offer the same: like-minded individuals sharing a love for something that brings joy and release. It is beautiful being able to come together and not only share tricks and dance but also create lasting memories with great people from all over. I love these connections. Endlessly.
I no longer use Instagram. Please see this post to learn more.
I picked up hula hooping in February 2020, right before the global pandemic, and spent my first year hula hooping in my backyard. I shared a house with an ex-boyfriend, so we had a sizable place and I was able to utilize the space and practice hula hoop tricks. At that time, sharing videos on my Instagram page was the extent of other folks seeing me play with hula hoops.
That changed in February 2021: my ex and I ended our relationship and I moved into a small apartment with little space to hula hoop either indoors or on the back patio. No longer able to play with my hula hoops in the confines of my home, I started bringing my hula hoops with me on my runs around town to stop at public parks to play and flow. Some warm mornings, I was alone with my hula hoops and the sun. Others, I had several dog walkers and onlookers who became my neighborhood companions.
To share this play with hula hoops in such a public way was not something I imagined being so comfortable with early on in my hula hoop journey. Given my constraints at home, however, I had no other option. Public play, and public SOLO play at that, it is. What a wonderful confidence boost, being able to whip around what most people view as children’s toys and think nothing of it.
Since then, I’ve brought my hula hoops almost everywhere they are allowed. I even bring them with me when I fly on airplanes. It feels like something is missing when I forget them at home and I appreciate public onlookers and giving them a show.
Experiencing Flow State
There are several definitions of the word flow state but to me, flow state is when I am playing with my hula hoops or fans, usually to music, and am one with the flow toy. Moving and dancing in a way that is effortless and free, light and spiritual. I am no longer thinking about what movement I want to make or what trick I want to try, everything is connected like a beautiful melody. Flow state is the reason I continue to play with hula hoops and silk fans. The reason I continue to dance around to music with these props. To me, this is the best part of adult play.
Flow state can be achieved through many activities, not just hula hoops and dance. Any creative endeavor can bring you to “the zone.” To become one with whatever it is that brings joy and feel connected on another level. A beautiful thing that happens during adult play, specifically, creative adult play.
The Joy of Sharing My Joy with Other People
One of my favorite examples of sharing my joy with another occurred when I was hula hooping with my LED hula hoop outside of the laundromat.
It was dark, so folks driving by the shopping plaza parking lot I danced in could see my LED hula hoops. A city bus pulled up to the bus stop and a man exited and approached me, asking about the hula hoop and if he could watch me. I told him of course, and continued on for a few minutes. When I stopped for water (I was in hot and dry Arizona, after all), he told me how cool it looks and that he got off the bus early to come watch me since he didn’t have anywhere else to be.
I had an extra LED hoop that I handed him and told him to try it. I turned up my JBL speaker and we played around with the hula hoops together for 20 more minutes.
When I needed to check on my laundry, I took my hula hoop back from him. He was grinning from ear to ear and told me that he was having a hard day and this helped him feel better. I was flattered. How magical it is for this person to see someone else playing around and want to join in.
This man was not the first person I handed off my hula hoops to for him to play with and he is certainly not the last. I truly believe when we remind adults to play around and practice self-expression and creativity, the world becomes a more joyous, positive place. This is something I never thought about prior to becoming an adult who plays.
The Importance of Doing Something You Love Often
I love a good 365-day challenge, which is why it should come as no surprise that I am in the middle of one now involving hula hoops.
How has my life changed since adding dedicated time, even if just 5 minutes, of playing with my flow toys every day? Positively. It is a release and a reset of any and all negative emotions and struggles of the day. It is beneficial to play every day as an adult. My preference, of course, is for this play to be creative play and outside in nature, if possible. Even after moving to Alaska and in subzero temperatures, I was outside moving my body around with my hula hoops. I had my partner help me shovel a flow space in the backyard because I value this time to play so much — haha!
Here are the 6 things I learned as an adult who plays (with hula hoops):
- Leaning into something I always told myself I could not do
- Community
- Confidence
- Experiencing flow state
- The joy of sharing my joy with others
- The importance of doing something you love often
Let me know in the comments below, do you play as an adult? What do you do for joy and fun? Would you ever try flowing and dancing with props, like me? I’d love to hear about it. Thank you so much for reading.